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question:请详细解析以下代码:pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model) position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp( torch.arange(0, d_model, 2) * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model) ) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)

answer:这段代码的目的是创建一个位置编码张量(`pe`),该张量包含了模型可以用来了解单词在输入序列中位置的信息。让我们逐步分析代码中的每一个部分: 1. **创建位置编码张量**: ```python pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model) ``` 这行代码创建了一个形状为 `[max_len, d_model]` 的零张量,其中 `max_len` 代表序列中可以包含的最大位置数,`d_model` 是模型中嵌入的维度。这个零张量是为了存放序列中从位置 0 到 `max_len - 1` 的位置编码。 2. **生成位置索引**: ```python position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1) ``` - `torch.arange(0, max_len)` 生成一个从 0 到 `max_len - 1` 的一维连续整数张量,这表示可能的所有位置索引。 - `.unsqueeze(1)` 在索引 1 的位置给张量增加一个维度(即列的维度),将形状从 `[max_len]` 转变为 `[max_len, 1]`。这样每个位置都有一个独立的行向量。 3. **计算除法项**: ```python div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2) * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model)) ``` - `torch.arange(0, d_model, 2)` 生成了一个从 0 开始,以 2 为步长,直到 `d_model`(不包括 `d_model`)的一维张量。这些都是偶数整数,表示位置编码中的偶数位置。 - `-(math.log(10000.0) / d_model)` 计算了一个固定的除数,这是使用一个预定义的常数 10000.0 的对数除以 `d_model`。这里使用对数是为了能够在较大范围内得到一个合理的衰减系数。这样做的原因是在不同的维度上使用不同的频率,从而使得位置的表示能够尽可能地唯一。 - `torch.exp(...)` 对上面的结果应用指数函数,得到每个维度的除法项。 4. **赋值正弦和余弦函数**: ```python pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) ``` - `position * div_term` 将位置索引和除法项相乘,得到正弦和余弦函数的输入。由于二者形状不匹配,这里发生了广播(broadcasting):div_term会被扩展到与 position 相同的形状 `[max_len, d_model//2]`。 - `pe[:, 0::2]` 选择 `pe` 张量中所有位置的偶数索引(`0::2`意味着从索引0开始每隔一个索引取一个值)。将正弦函数应用到先前计算的值上,以填充这些位置。 - `pe[:, 1::2]` 选择 `pe` 张量中所有位置的奇数索引,并用余弦函数的结果填充它们。 5. **扩展维度**: ```python pe = pe.unsqueeze(0) ``` 在 `pe` 张量的第一个维度(索引为0的位置)上增加一个维度,将形状从 `[max_len, d_model]` 变为 `[1, max_len, d_model]`。增加维度是为了在后续的运算中方便对批次中的每个例子进行广播。 这种位置编码方式允许模型学习到序列中不同位置的相对或绝对位置信息,采用正弦和余弦函数可以使得位置编码在序列长度变化时能够保持一致的性质。例如,对于任意固定的偏移量 k,PE_{pos+k} 可以表示为 PE_{pos} 的线性函数,这使得模型可以很容易地通过位置编码理解相对位置。

question:翻译:We also experimented with using learned positional embeddings (cite) instead, and found that the two versions produced nearly identical results. We chose the sinusoidal version because it may allow the model to extrapolate to sequence lengths longer than the ones encountered during training


question:Len, whose insanity is not always obvious, resides in a nursing home. Part of the cost is met from his disability support pension; the balance is paid for by a nephew. For his day-to-day needs, Len has a credit account with the local store. He rings through his order and a monthly account is rendered. Books and periodicals are obtained from a newsagent using a similar system. Two weeks ago, he entered into contracts to purchase a twin engine Cessna aircraft and to take 10 flying lessons. A week ago, Len won a million dollars in the lottery. The win has, at least temporarily, shocked him back into sanity. The aircraft supplier demands payment for the aeroplane, which Len no longer wants. His nephew also demands repayment of all his 'loans'. Additionally, the flying school has written refusing to provide the promised lessons, 'as we have just discovered that you are a loony'. As a matter of principle, he wants to enforce that contract. He has also received this month's accounts from the local store and the newsagent and believes them to be a little high. Advise Len of his rights and/or obligations in respect of each of the above. Would it make any difference if, shortly after his win, he had been telephoned by the aircraft so? company for confirmation of the sale and had said: It's okay, 'll take it and I'll be back to you in a day or

answer:Len's rights and obligations in respect of each of the above situations are as follows: 1. Aircraft purchase and flying lessons contracts: - Len is entitled to cancel the contract for the twin engine Cessna aircraft since he no longer wants it. He should inform the aircraft supplier of his decision immediately and request a refund if any payment has already been made. - Len can also demand a refund for the flying lessons that were promised but refused due to the discovery of his condition. This is a breach of contract by the flying school. 2. Nephew's loans: - Len is obligated to repay his nephew's loans, regardless of his lottery win or change in mental state. These loans were given voluntarily by the nephew, and Len should honor his financial obligations. 3. Accounts from the local store and newsagent: - Len has the right to question the accuracy of the accounts and request a detailed breakdown of the charges. - If Len believes the accounts are indeed overcharged, he can negotiate or dispute the amount with both the local store and the newsagent. Regarding the telephone call from the aircraft company shortly after Len's win, it could potentially impact the situation in two ways: - If Len explicitly confirmed the purchase during the call, it could be considered a legally binding agreement and make it harder for him to cancel the contract for the aircraft. - If Len only expressed interest or provided a tentative response during the call, it may not be considered a valid agreement, and he can still cancel the contract based on his change of mind. It's important for Len to consult with a legal professional who can provide tailored advice based on the specific laws and regulations in his jurisdiction.

question:Необходимо составить текст для акции семейного фитнес клуба Family Park Большой новогодний розыгрыш, вас ждёт розыгрыш абонемента на 12 месяцев, 6 месяцев и 3 месяца, розыгрыш одного дня в домики на всю семью. Условие розыгрыша: подписаться на аккаунт Family Park в ВКонтакте, оставить комментарий:" хочу подарок в новый год от Family Park", сделать репост записи. Также вас ждёт абонент за 3 месяца, если вы запишете ролик на фоне нашего фитнес-клуба с поздравлением с новым годом

answer:Дорогие друзья! Family Park рад представить вам нашу большую новогоднюю акцию! У вас есть уникальная возможность выиграть потрясающие призы, которые порадуют всю вашу семью. Мы разыграем абонементы на 12, 6 и 3 месяца в наш семейный фитнес-клуб, а также один день в наших уютных домиках для всей семьи. Не забудьте заглянуть на нашу страницу в ВКонтакте, чтобы узнать все детали и условия участия. Для того, чтобы принять участие в розыгрыше, вам нужно сделать всего несколько простых шагов. В первую очередь, подпишитесь на аккаунт Family Park в ВКонтакте. Затем, оставьте комментарий под акцией, просто напишите: "хочу подарок в новый год от Family Park". И чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу, сделайте репост данной записи на своей странице. А это еще не все! У вас также есть возможность выиграть абонемент на 3 месяца, если вы запишете короткое видео на фоне нашего фитнес-клуба с поздравлением с новым годом. Просто проявите креатив и оригинальность, и делайте, что вам нравится! Не упустите свой шанс порадовать свою семью потрясающими подарками от Family Park! Примите участие в нашем веселом и новогоднем розыгрыше, и может быть, именно вы станете счастливым обладателем наших ценных призов. C наилучшими пожеланиями, Команда Family Park

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