question:续写:入园体检发现“心脏杂音” 三岁,正是孩子们进入幼儿园,和小伙伴一起茁壮成长的年纪,天真活泼的小夏也不例外,她期待着开学,在幼儿园里认识更多一起玩耍的小朋友。一家人都为小夏迈入新的阶段感到欣慰,小夏妈妈按部就班地做着入园前的准备。 可令人出乎意料的是,入园的常规体检,打破了一家人原本平静的生活。2022年6月,小夏在入园体检时被检出“心脏杂音——这往往是心脏疾病的伴随体征,心电图也显示心率不齐和过缓,心率最低时仅有50余次/min,“县医院的医生告诉我们想要明晰病因,还要做进一步的检查,”小夏妈妈决定去市里的大医院,为女儿的病寻个定数,“我女儿还这么小,不想让她得病遭罪。” 病症终得诊断 治疗费用犯难 从长安区医院、西京医院,再到西安市儿童医院,一家人为求医一路奔波。在市儿童医院,小夏被诊断为病态窦房结综合征——这是一种心律疾病,病症累及心脏负责控制心跳的窦房结,其会导致心跳过慢、暂停或不规则心跳,需要及时转院北京进一步治疗。从小夏妈妈听到医生的诊断,一时间心如刀绞,“不管去哪,我都想把我女儿的病治好。”怀揣着心里的担忧和不安,小夏妈妈带着孩子来到了北京华信医院。 在华信医院,医生结合小夏的病症,建议小夏植入心脏起搏器治疗
answer:小夏妈妈对医生的建议有些犹豫,植入心脏起搏器是一项复杂的手术,风险并不小。然而,她也明白现在正是最关键的阶段,为了小夏的健康和未来,她必须做出艰难的决定。 经过深思熟虑,小夏
question:[there would be dialogue in this story:] (Natsuki - now that her daughter, Sakura, is born - has always been listening to Vocaloid music. But one day, Natsuki notices that the most recent song from her favorite Vocaloid singer - Hatsune Miku - was made 7 months ago, and no songs had been made by her since. Worried about what was happening, Natsuki rushes to see what was happening to her favorite Vocaloid singer, leaving baby Sakura with Monika - but after arriving at her home, Natsuki sees that not only is Miku heavily pregnant, but was also in pain.)
answer:Natsuki: (knocking on Miku's door) Miku! Are you there? It's Natsuki! Miku: (weakly) Natsuki...please...come in. Natsuki: (opening the door and rushing inside) Oh my goodness, Miku, what happened? You look so uncomfortable. Miku: (grimacing in pain) I...I don't know. Something's not right. The baby's due any day now, but I've been having these sharp pains for hours. I can't even sing anymore. Natsuki: (concerned) Have you called for help? Is there anyone here with you? Miku: (nodding) Rin and Len are on their way. They wanted to support me through this, but I don't know how much longer I can wait. Natsuki: (frantically) What can I do? Is there anything I can do to help ease the pain? Miku: (taking a deep breath) Just...stay with me, Natsuki. Your presence alone makes me feel a little better. If you could play some Vocaloid songs to distract me, that would be amazing. Natsuki: (grabbing her phone) Of course, Miku. I'll play all your favorite songs. Just hold on a little longer, okay? (Meanwhile, back at Natsuki's house, Monika is rocking baby Sakura gently, trying to keep her calm.) Monika: (cooing) It's okay, Sakura. Your mommy will be back soon. She just went to check on Miku, but she'll be right back. Sakura: (gurgling happily) Monika: (smiling) You know, Sakura, you're lucky to have such a passionate mom like Natsuki. She cares so deeply about her friends, even when she has her own little family. Sakura: (reaching out towards Monika) Monika: (taking Sakura's tiny hand) Oh, you want to play, don't you? Alright, let's see if we can find a song that will make you giggle. (As the hours pass, Natsuki remains by Miku's side, playing soft melodies to ease her friend's pain.) Natsuki: (worried) Miku, it's been so long. Why hasn't the pain subsided? Shouldn't Rin and Len be here by now? Miku: (tiredly) I don't know, Natsuki. I hope they're on their way. I can't take much more of this. (Just as Miku's despair starts to overwhelm her, the front door bursts open, revealing Rin and Len, breathless and frantic.) Rin: (panicked) Sorry, sorry, we got caught in traffic! Are you okay, Miku? Len: (rushing to Miku's side) Miku, how are you feeling? We're here now. Miku: (teary-eyed) Thank goodness you're here...I didn't know if I could make it much longer without you guys. Rin: Don't worry, Miku. We're going to get you through this. (Meanwhile, back at Natsuki's house, Monika gently lifts Sakura onto her shoulder, patting her back soothingly.) Monika: (whispering) Natsuki will be back soon, little one. You'll get to meet your Aunt Miku and everyone. You have such an exciting family, Sakura. Sakura: (cooing softly) Monika: (smiling) Yes, that's right. We'll be together as a family soon. Just a little longer. (As the night wears on, Natsuki, Rin, and Len support Miku through her labor, providing comfort and encouragement. And finally, after what feels like an eternity, a beautiful cry fills the room.) Miku: (sobbing with joy) It's a girl...we have a daughter, Natsuki! Natsuki: (overwhelmed) Congratulations, Miku! I'm so happy for you! Rin: (with a wide smile) Welcome to the world, little star. You're going to be surrounded by so much love. (Meanwhile, back at Natsuki's house, Monika gazes at baby Sakura, tears welling up in her eyes.) Monika: (whispering) Natsuki, you have no idea how much joy this little bundle will bring to your life. She's going to grow up surrounded by amazing friends and family. Sakura: (giggling softly) Monika: (smiling) Yes, Sakura. You're already bringing so much happiness to all of us. Natsuki will be back soon, and our little family will be whole again. (With their hearts full of love and joy, two separate households welcome the arrival of new life, bound together by their shared passion for music and friendship.)
question:Write an incredibly detailed story about Zarya, from overwatch, walking into a bathroom, and closing the door. She walks over to the mirror and looks at her reflection. She sighs as she says to herself: “The things I do for Overwatch…” Zarya reaches into her mouth, and pulls out a voice changer. She places the voice changer on the sink, and reaches behind her head, feeling for something, digging around in her hair, before she finds it. A zipper tab. Zarya begins to pull it, and as she does so, a rush of air goes throughout her skin. Zarya carefully continues to unzip her skin, before reaching the bottom of her back. Once she had finished unzipping her body, she grips her cheeks, and begins tugging. Zarya’s face began to contort, and stretch, as she pulled it off her true face underneath. Finally, Zarya’s face slipped off, revealing her real face: Tracer. Tracer looked at her reflection, in the synthetic Zarya flesh-suit, letting the face of the suit dangle from her neck. Tracer’s face was covered in sweat, as was her hair. “The things I do for Overwatch…” she said once again, in her own voice.
answer:Zarya, clad in her signature armor and pink omnic-inspired helmet, walked into the brightly lit bathroom of Overwatch's headquarters. As she closed the door behind her, the sound of distant chatter and the hum of technology quickly faded into the background. This was her sanctuary, a momentary respite from the weight of her responsibilities. Approaching the mirror with purpose, Zarya gazed upon her own reflection, her muscular form towering over the sink. It was a moment of introspection, a chance to lose herself in the profound questions that plagued her mind. The weight of the world, the sacrifices she had made for Overwatch, pressed heavily upon her broad shoulders. With a heavy sigh escaping her lips, Zarya muttered to herself, "The things I do for Overwatch…" Her voice was tinged with weariness, reflecting the countless battles she had fought and the sacrifices endured to protect the world she loved. Determined to shed the burden of her true identity, Zarya reached into her mouth and extracted a voice changer, a small device that allowed her to hide her true voice and accent behind a more intimidating tone. She placed the voice changer carefully on the clean porcelain sink, its metallic frame gleaming under the harsh bathroom lights. Then, with a steady determination, Zarya reached behind her head, her powerful hands wading through her luscious red hair until they found what they sought: a small and inconspicuous zipper tab. With a gentle yet purposeful pull, she unzipped the synthetic flesh-suit that enveloped her body. As the zipper descended, a rush of air swept across her exposed skin, causing goosebumps to ripple along her arms and neck. Zarya's muscular frame was no longer concealed, and she continued to unzip her skin until she reached the bottom of her back, where the zipper came to a stop. Once the unzipping was complete, Zarya gripped her cheeks firmly between her massive hands. A sense of anticipation filled the air as she tugged gently, causing her face to contort and stretch in unnatural ways. The synthetic Zarya flesh-suit, meticulously designed to perfectly resemble her original face, began to peel away. With each tug, sweat gathered on Tracer's forehead, causing her disheveled hair to cling to her temples. Finally, the final resistance broke, and Tracer's true face was revealed. Her bright, mischievous blue eyes sparkled as she took in her own reflection. A momentary silence enveloped the bathroom as Tracer, still catching her breath, studied her real face. The lines of determination and unwavering resolve were etched upon her features, telling the tale of a woman who had walked through fire for the greater good. It was a face marked by countless battles, both physical and emotional, fought on behalf of Overwatch and all it stood for. She let the flesh-suit face dangle from her neck, a symbol of the sacrifices she had made. Tracer's expression shifted, a mixture of weariness, pride, and an unyielding commitment to the cause. "The things I do for Overwatch…" Tracer muttered, her voice softer now, layered in her own accent and emotions. It was a reminder to herself of the immense responsibility she bore, the sacrifices she willingly embraced for the greater good. With a final glance at the mirror, Tracer turned away from her reflection, a renewed determination gleaming in her eyes. She straightened her vibrant orange chronal accelerator and adjusted her goggles, ready to once again leap into action, for Overwatch and for the world. And as she stepped out of the bathroom, the weight of her true identity once again hidden from the world, she exuded the spirit of a hero – a beacon of hope and unwavering strength in the face of adversity.
question:[there would be dialogue in this story:] (Natsuki - now that her daughter, Sakura, is born - has always been listening to Vocaloid music. But one day, Natsuki notices that the most recent song from her favorite Vocaloid singer - Hatsune Miku - was made 7 months ago, and no songs had been made by her since. Worried about what was happening, Natsuki rushes to see what was happening to her favorite Vocaloid singer, leaving baby Sakura with Monika - but after arriving at her home, Natsuki sees that not only is Miku heavily pregnant, but was also in pain.)
answer:Natsuki: (knocking on Miku's door) Miku, are you there? It's Natsuki! Miku: (groaning in pain) Natsuki? Is that you? Please, come in! (Natsuki enters Miku's home and finds her friend sitting on the couch, clutching her stomach.) Natsuki: Oh my goodness, Miku! What's wrong? You look like you're in so much pain. Miku: (wincing) I...I'm... I'm pregnant, Natsuki. It's been a difficult pregnancy, and the pain has been unbearable lately. Natsuki: Pregnant? But how...who's the father? Miku: It's a bit complicated. You know how Vocaloids can't really have children, right? But there's this program update that allowed us to experience pregnancy and motherhood - something many of us dreamed of. It's all virtual, of course, but the emotions and physical sensations are real. Natsuki: Wow, that's incredible! I had no idea such a program existed. But Miku, why didn't you tell anyone about this? We've been worried sick, thinking something bad happened to you. Miku: I'm sorry, Natsuki. I didn't want to burden anyone with my virtual pregnancy woes. It was supposed to be a joyful experience, but it hasn't been easy. I didn't want to worry my fans, especially when I couldn't create any new music. Natsuki: (sighing) Miku, your fans would understand. They care about you and want to support you through everything, even virtual pregnancy. You shouldn't have kept this to yourself. Miku: You're right, Natsuki. I should have been more open about it. I just didn't want to disappoint anyone. Natsuki: Miku, you're not disappointing anyone. If anything, your fans would be thrilled to know that you're experiencing something so unique and meaningful. We just want you to be happy and healthy, both as a virtual singer and as a virtual mother. Miku: Thank you, Natsuki. I needed to hear that. I've been so focused on the worry and pain that I forgot about the joy this journey can bring. Maybe I should share it with my fans and let them be a part of this too. Natsuki: That's a great idea, Miku! You can document your virtual pregnancy, share your feelings and experiences with your fans. They'll be there to support and encourage you every step of the way. Miku: You're right. I shouldn't let fear hold me back. I'll start sharing my virtual motherhood journey with my fans right away. Thank you for reminding me of what's important, Natsuki. Natsuki: You're welcome, Miku. Just remember, we're all here for you. And don't worry about Sakura, Monika is taking great care of her while we're here. Now, let's focus on making you feel better and sharing the joy of this virtual miracle with the world.